The following list gives examples of the types of content that would be considered inappropriate. This is by no means an exhaustive or prescriptive list, and both members and moderators are encouraged to use their own considered judgement when dealing with inappropriate content.
Profane language
The use of profanity will always carry a 'strike' (see 'Strikes and bans'). Importantly, deliberately using your own masking of profanity (such as asterisks or other punctuation) to bypass UKBF's profanity filter is prohibited and will result in the same action as if the actual word had been typed. We request that you report any profane language that has not been detected by UKBF's filters immediately to the moderators by clicking the ‘Report Post' symbol in the title bar of any post.
Spamming is entirely prohibited. Spam includes the posting of non-relevant content, URL links, repetitive posting of nonsensical posts, and unauthorised advertising within the forums. We request that you report any spam immediately to the moderators by clicking the ‘Report Post' symbol in the title bar of any post.
Bumping posts in order to keep them near the top of the list is also prohibited. Posts of this nature are not conducive to community spirit, are unwelcome and will be subject to moderation and potentially incur a strike or ban. We request that you report any bumping immediately to the moderators by clicking the ‘Report Post' symbol in the title bar of any post.
Reviving old threads
Reviving old threads is not allowed other than for the purpose of the OP or other contributor posting an update to the original thread topic, e.g., in the case of a legal posting or where a member has previously committed to posting an update on their story/situation at an undetermined later date. Any posts which are deemed to be reviving an old thread for reasons which the moderators deem unnecessary or consider to be spam will result in an infraction.
Jobs and opportunities You are not permitted to post adverts for any jobs or vacancies which you may have. UK Business Forums is not a job board. Any job or vacancy posts will be removed without the author being contacted and may result in an infraction.
Flaming is personally attacking another UKBF community member with belittling, insulting or threatening content. Flaming is very unwelcome and will be subject to moderation and potentially incur a strike or ban. We request that you report any flaming immediately to the moderators by clicking the ‘Report Post' symbol in the title bar of any post.
Trolling is to post content that is deliberately designed for the purpose of angering and insulting other UKBF community members. Posts of this nature are disruptive and do not convey a friendly attitude – again, posts such as these are unwelcome and will be subject to moderation and potentially incur a strike or ban. We request that you report any trolling immediately to the moderators by clicking the ‘Report Post' symbol in the title bar of any post.
Posting nonsense
It is not acceptable to post anything which the members or moderators consider to be illogical or irrelevant nonsense. This may be a way to increase your post count (which is against the rules), and is often a tactic by new/existing members to derail a thread - either way, it is unacceptable.
Arguing and ‘ranting'
Members must not engage in one-to-one arguments, disagreements or disputes of a personal nature. Neither should members engage in ‘ranting' – this is the publishing of long, aggressive posts that serve only to aggravate members and add little or nothing to the original question posted. Both arguing and ranting are unwelcome and will be subject to moderation and potentially incur a strike or ban. We request that you report any arguing or ranting immediately to the moderators by clicking the ‘Report Post' symbol in the title bar of any post.
Abusing the moderators
We have a highly respected team of volunteer moderators here on UK Business Forums and they deserve to be treated with respect. If you are abusive in any contact with the moderators or direct abuse at a moderator in a thread, then UKBF will issue strikes as they deem appropriate. It will be left to individual moderators to decide if they feel they have been attacked in any way. UK Business Forums will investigate any strikes issued for abusing the mods and will take repeat offending very seriously.